May 8, 2014


by Simeon Nkola Matamba ( Follow on Twitter )

Three years ago, I was excited about completing high school to join South Africa to further my studies. I was readying to embark on a promising journey offering new opportunities to bring plans and ambitions to fruition. I had to leave my lovely parents and beautiful two sisters, travelling alongside with my older brother. The strong link built with family, friends and members of my community had to be stretched hence made less strong because I was going away. My awareness was brought to the fact that when life calls, one is always compelled to leave their comfort zone. Venturing to join an unknown outer world is something that keeps repeating itself.

Though life has a special way of treating us, we don't always like it. By observing we see that separation is a routine. A foetus to be born hears the call of life and the compulsion to leave mother's womb for an unknown yet better condition. Nevertheless the fear of the future's uncertainties is the major hindrance to answering the call of life. We have a strong propensity to refuse the call and remain in the comfort of the order of a situation. Change is not always taken as an opportunity but fear is deeply anchored in us.

The call of the future must yet be answered with a lot of positivism. Leaving the only world I ever knew was painful. But with hindsight, that was the best thing to do in terms of reaped benefits. Someone said "The future is not an inheritance, it is an opportunity and an obligation". An opportunity to get better and the obligation to do so. Not embracing the future is akin to death, lives stuck in the past, frozen stories that cannot be continued.

When life calls, answer. When the future calls, be bold to rise and move forward. It takes motivation and self confidence. My Dad likes telling us:"life does not spare anyone". If life never spares us, forcing us to go through all kinds of things it is made of, why do we spare life and are afraid to force it to accept that we are able to shape it and come out reinforced? Hear the call, embrace the future.



  1. I have just learnt a great lesson here! It is true that we so often get used to our situation - whether good or bad - that any kind of change is looked as a threat. We mustn't be scared of the future because the past wasn't ours but we came out of it victorious. Every day is made up of chances and challenges to form us as individuals and make us stronger for tomorrow. Accepting the fact forces one to leave behind loved ones to start a journey alone - the only way to maturity. Yes separation is a hard thing that we never get used to, but it becomes compulsory at a certain point in life.
    So from now on I'll face every day with a bright smile knowing that I don't have to submit to their various inconsistencies when I have the right to hear my call and shape my own destiny. Thank you Simeon, this is a very helpful piece!
