Jun 4, 2014


by Simeon Nkola Matamba ( Follow on Twitter )

As always, religions keep witnessing an increase in the number of followers. Predictions that technology and development would wipe off religions or cause the whole world to embrace materialism and atheism are being proven wrong. On the contrary, technology's instruments are now vehicles for all groups to reach out and impart beliefs and philosophies. Also, mass medias are well integrated in religious activities.

With teachings to regulate the lifestyle of followers, different levels of interpretation determine the scope of someone's conduct and involvement in social life. Loathsome religious fanaticism is an example. Though jihadists' acts are more notorious, the Middles Ages' persecution by the catholic church widely known as "The Inquisition" against heretics cannot be disregarded. Wars have been fuelled by religious motives and continue to be.

It opens the door for religious critics to holler. In an advanced world where humane feelings and peace must prevail, religions are seen as disruptive. Slogans uttered parrot fashion reinforce that impression as it is easy to believe such when the propensity to view religions as vicious is big.

But not all wars and crimes are motivated by religious points of view. Despite extremist groups like Boko Haram that recently abducted over 200 girls in the name of islam, and several other extremist groups, a greater responsibility resides at another level. The civilized world  keeps producing more weapons and means of destruction that contribute to destroying mankind in the name of technological progress. The danger it represents is above all what religious extremists put together can do.

The Second World War itself is familiar with bloodthirsty characters Hitler and Stalin whose cruelty is almost unparalleled. Their actions can't be blamed on religion but their egos.

Fanatics warring to impose beliefs and moral codes cannot do it all alone. They walk hand in hand with science-weapons- meant to liberate the world from barbarism and religious nonsense.

Al Qaeda, the most famous terrorist organisation initially founded to fight the USSR in 80s could not exist without the support of the USA. Advocates of human rights and peace trigger troubles only to blame religious fanatics. It also applies to Boko Haram with last year's reports about its suspicious funding. Also in Syria, jihadists fallaciously called "syrian rebels" benefit from sustained support from western capitals to topple Bachar All Assad.

Religions are not the enemy of the world. Religions speak of justice, peace and love towards neighbours. There is a minority of fanatics that cannot be mixed with the majority. And, most of all, western powers use fanatics as proxies for conflicts they don't want to be direclty involved in. Thus it cannot always be blamed on religion. Religion has neither face nor adress. It must be blamed on evildoers, men and women using religion as a cover for wickedness and cowardice to assume their acts.



  1. God bless you bro, that is absolutely the truth.The lord God bless and keep on giving you much more inspiration to do much more

  2. Thank you for the article, Simeon. I agree with your argument here; the factors behind a war are way too complex than what lay people think. This reminds me of Blair Worden's argument that 'wars are never fought for religion only'. The evil driving forces sure take religion and fundamentalism for scapegoat - but the purpose of religion is to promote peace and order rather than create conflict.
